Repeat Prescriptions
How to Order Your Repeat Prescriptions
Patients on regular or long-term medications may be issued with repeat prescriptions without seeing the doctor each time. Please note: you should allow 2 working days for you medication to be ready at your pharmacy.
You can order these in the following ways:
1. Log into Patient Access. If you haven't already created an account, please contact reception to request your Unique Reference Letter.
2. Download the NHS App on your phone. The NHS App enables you to see your current repeat medications and request your next batch. You will need to make account: this requires you to upload some photo ID and a short video.
3. If you cannot register for the NHS App or Patient Access, fill out a repeat prescription request form here.
4. If you cannot access the internet, visit your nominated local pharmacy. They will be able to request your repeat prescriptions for you.
5. If you cannot make use of the options above, please tick the items you would like to request on a green prescription form. Bring this to the Practice or send it by post.
To nominate a pharmacy or change your nomination, please call reception or use the NHS App.